Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weeks 3&4 - Planning

We had a great workshop this Thursday. I was so impressed with everyone's successes the past two weeks! You are doing such a great job choosing and following through with your goals! Our focus this week was planning - here's the rundown:

Shape the Path 
In Chip and Dan Heath's book, "Switch: How to change things when change is hard," the authors compare us to a man riding an elephant. Imagine trying to ride a giant elephant. Specifically, imagine trying to steer the elephant. It works pretty well if the elephant wants to go the same direction as the rider, but if that elephant wants to go right when you want to go left, what can you do about it? Not much - that elephant is huge! The rider is like our conscious mind - what we think about and intend to do. When we set goals and think about where we would like to be, that is the rider. The elephant, then, is our subconscious, or automatic selves - that part led by habit, emotions, and desires. If that part of ourselves is not on board, we can set all the goals we want and it will be like trying to steer an elephant - possible perhaps, but VERY difficult.

If we really want that elephant to turn, there are two things we can do. We can motivate the elephant (appealing to our emotions/subconscious, making the chosen direction more appealing). The other option is to shape the path. If you make the path you want to take clear and open and easy, the elephant will naturally choose it. In health terms, this could be something like having healthy snacks more accessible than less healthy ones. Or laying your running clothes out the night before.

There are three phases that happen before you eat a meal or snack.

1. Planning
2. Shopping
3. Preparing food

These all happen, even if the planning is right before you eat, and the preparation is opening a package. If you want to change your eating habits, most likely you will need to be addressing these areas. Which phase is most keeping you from making the meal choices you want to make?

Make a Meal Plan
We spent a good portion of our time actually writing out a two-week meal plan. We included breakfast and lunch if those meals are problems for you, and list out snack options, as well. I try and write my grocery list as I am making my meal plan. You can access our meal planning chart HERE, or go to our handouts section.

Run your day, or it will run you!

QUESTION: What are you going to do to "shape the path," so that it is easier to make the choices you want to make?

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