Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Planning for Exercise

We had a great discussion regarding physical activity/exercise on Thursday night.  As we discussed barriers to what makes exercise more of a habit in our lives we discovered that just as we plan for healthier meals by taking many steps before the actual eating part, we must do the same with exercise. In order to be successful with consistent exercise, we must plan. 

Who- Working out solo or with a friend/class? Having a workout buddy has shown to be very effective in sticking to a time, as does committing to a class schedule for those with a gym membership.

What - Is my exercise going to focus on cardio, strength training or both? It is not necessary to do it all at one session of exercise. 

Where - Basement? Gym? Outside? Once I know where I am going to workout do I have what I need to be comfortable there? If I am going to do a workout in my basement- I may want music to help with motivation, a pad for floor exercises and some water handy. If I am going to the gym, I might not want to forget my earbuds. For all environments, the proper clothing is very important so that the goal of distance or time can be kept.

When - Early Morning? Evening? It takes adjusting to add exercise into our busy schedules. Interestingly, everyone at the workshop on Thursday preferred to exercise in the morning but struggled waking up in time to make it happen. Paving goals need to be made to make the exercise happen.

How - How LONG?...what is your realistic schedule...designate a time and commit to it.
How -  one step at a time...tiptoe if you must, but take the step!

Share what works for you! What helps you work out better when you do set aside the time?

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