Your life is very important.
Not just your life, but what you are doing with your life - your family, your work, your hobbies, and friends. You most likely have lots of things going on and, while health is important to you, so are many other things. We get that! We are here to find ways to work with YOUR situation to help you make healthier choices. And not just quick, diet-of-the-week changes that don't last - we want to help you make changes that you can build on and give you the kind of life you want.
Danika Dunn, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian. She studied at Brigham Young University and worked at American Fork Hospital before opening her own practice in Orem, Utah, helping people and families become healthier. She now has four young children, and, while they are her priority right now, she still loves teaching and helping others live healthy lives!

Melanie Olson has a degree in Health Science and worked as a personal trainer and health coach before she became a full time mom. She now has 2 boys and another on the way, and enjoys helping people find healthy solutions while keeping it real.