Real Food Challenge

We have heard over and over again, "I really need to cut back on processed foods!" Well, we are excited to tell you about a new program to help you do just that - our REAL FOOD CHALLENGE!

We wanted to make our challenge something that is very achievable, but that would kick start some major health changes - forcing you to kick the sugar habit and get used to more fruits and vegetables. To this end, we have THREE SUPER SIMPLE RULES:

1. ONLY WHOLE GRAINS.* All of your grains (including wheat, corn, rice, pasta, bread, etc.) should be 100% whole. That means brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread (as long as it complies with the other rules), 100% whole wheat pasta.  
2. NO REFINED SUGARS.* This part will be trickier than you think. No corn syrup, sugar, "cane solids." We'll go ahead and forbid "raw" and organic sugar, as well. If you absolutely must sweeten something, you may use honey or pure maple syrup.  
3. NO PROCESSED FOODS. For our purposes, we will define "processed" as having more than five ingredients. 

* Optional "level up" rules:
A) Cut out all grains, or even just gluten. This will be similar to Paleo or Whole30 diets, and can be helpful for short periods. I don't recommend eliminating grains long term. 
B) Cut out all added sugars, including natural sweeteners like honey. If you have a mean sweet tooth, this might be helpful because it cuts out the habit of "sweets" and forces you to find other things and break the addiction. A great option is to use these "level up" rules for the first two weeks and then start working grains and some natural sweeteners back in. 

So what are you left with? You'll end up eating lots more vegetables, that's for sure! Shoot for having half your meals be fruits and vegetables. You can still eat beans, meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, along with whole grains. 

How long will this last? That is up to you! I'd recommend a month, but if that is too intimidating, you can see a big result after a couple of weeks, as well. 

How do I get started? I'm so glad you asked! It is as easy as these 3 steps:

1. Head over and join our Facebook group. This is a great resource for us to share ideas and encouragement, get recipes, and find support when it gets tricky. Ask your questions, share your successes, and make some friends! 
2. There is a pinned post at the top of the page. Just add a comment to that post telling us the day you plan to start, how long you will be doing the challenge, and any extra rules/habits you are adding (Whole30, vegetarian, or any of our "level up" rules).  
3. We will periodically have get-togethers in the Montgomery/Bucks County area to share and try new recipes, connect with others, and really just have a party where all the food is fair game! :) Stay tuned for dates and join us if you can! 

You can do this! We're here to help - come talk to others in Bucks County who are doing it, too!

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